Monday 30 July 2012

The Gravitas Factor: and why it’s important in today's world

Gravitas is a term that’s been close to my heart for years. During my career in communications, we’d refer to it as a passport stamp to senior positions, a quality to aspire to when giving presentations and leading meetings.
Through my work in leadership development, I’ve watched it emerge as an essential quality for turbulent times, as people feel the pressure to stay strong and deliver results, irrespective of the challenges around them.

Gravitas is traditionally associated with statesmanlike qualities. Classic examples tend to be silver-haired men, with the wisdom of age and the senior positions to go with it. Like a fine wine, their gravitas has emerged over time.

However, in today’s competitive and fast-paced environment, people are expected to display gravitas much earlier on in their career. There’s no time to wait; it’s down to individuals to work out how to build this elusive quality for themselves: right now.


So what is gravitas, why is it important and how do you know when you’ve got ‘it’?

Gravitas is elusive. Just like charisma, or presence, you know when someone has ‘it’ and you know when they don’t. Unlike charisma and presence, not much has been said about gravitas, or how to make this intangible quality, tangible. Until now...

What is gravitas?
Gravitas is an inner belief that enables you to command respect and, as a result, make a positive impact on the environment you’re in.
Why is gravitas important today?
Because in a world that is ever more fast-paced and driven by change, the value of being able to have genuine influence has never been higher.
How do you know when you’ve got ‘it’?
When the confidence and consistency of your behaviour mean that, even in times of crisis, you can gather yourself and inspire those around you to unite around a course of action.

The Gravitas Factor©
I have developed The Gravitas Factor Programme to provide people with the insight and inspiration to build their own gravitas, and use it to fulfil their potential. My goal is to demystify gravitas and bring it into the 21st century; enabling people to find their unique voice and the strength to fulfil their potential, in their careers and lives.

In designing the Gravitas Factor Programme and writing my book, The Gravitas Factor, due out in 2013, I have interviewed people from many sectors about what they think gravitas is, today. Through observing people with gravitas – from business leaders to politicians, media stars to everyday heroes, I have identified six components that together present a congruent and consistent image of gravitas.

These qualities combine the inner self – your expertise, your purpose, your potential – and the ability to share your inner self with the wider world – your message, your communication style, your impact. Because for gravitas to be truly meaningful, it should reflect who you are on the inside, rather than who you think you should be to fit in, an incomplete imitation of someone else.

The Gravitas Factor is a comprehensive programme that combines specialist training and one to one coaching, over a period of months.

I have also designed a one day, open programme for people who would like to accelerate their gravitas journey, as soon as possible. Further information about this innovative workshop can be found at the link below:

I would be delighted to hear your views about gravitas and to welcome you onto the Gravitas Factor Programme.

You can contact me on 07725 856 469 or

I look forward to speaking with you soon.